Images Courtesy of Camiros, Ltd.

Barbara Jordan II Community Engagement Process

& Smith Street Revitalization Plan

Providence, Rhode Island


Rhode Island Housing and City of Providence


Barbara Jordan II is a redevelopment project in Upper South Providence which includes 27 two- and three-story apartment buildings situated on scattered sites totaling 2.75 acres. The 27 buildings contain a total of 74 apartments, all of which are currently vacant. After years of neglect and mismanagement, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) finalized a foreclosure of the Barbara Jordan II housing development and RIHousing was given proprietorship in March 2018. The Barbara Jordan II Community Engagement Process was designed to foster a meaningful dialogue with Upper South Providence residents, anchor institutions, neighborhood organizations and other local stakeholders to create a vision for the redevelopment of Barbara Jordan II.

The Smith Street Revitalization Plan is an action agenda for neighborhood improvement for the area surrounding Smith Street within
the Smith Hill neighborhood between I-95 and Tyndall Avenue. Based on existing neighborhood conditions and community feedback, and building off previous and on-going City planning initiatives, the Plan includes a series of goals and strategies related to the redevelopment of vacant and underutilized lots using the following considerations:

  • Streetscape and mobility improvements

  • Cultural and arts planning that match the identity of the neighborhood

  • Education, safety, health, supportive social services

  • Other quality of life factors that affect neighborhood residents


  • Barbara Jordan II Developer RFP released, proposals being evaluated

Adam Rosa led these projects as a Principal at Camiros, Ltd.

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